Architects, Engineers and Commercial Contractors
New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ provides financial incentives for energy efficiency through a number of initiatives directed at commercial and industrial businesses and local governments. Are you taking steps to position your organization as a solutions provider in the clean energy industry?
If your firm supplies energy efficiency services for commercial, industrial and/or institutional facilities in New Jersey, including architectural services, engineering design, or equipment installation, you may be interested in joining our Trade Allies database. The list is provided to prospective program participants as an informational source, helping to connect those seeking solutions with those in business to provide those solutions. Although inclusion on this list does not constitute any endorsement, statement of qualification, or other representation of service, you are encouraged to add your listing and let potential customers know about your expertise and how to reach you.
NJ SmartStart Buildings – Financial incentives are available for upgrading heating and cooling systems, water heating, lighting and controls, motors and variable frequency drives. There’s even a custom path for energy efficiency measures with demonstrated cost justification. Potential customers often use the Find a Trade Ally feature to search our database for a contractor, architect or engineer who can meet their needs
Pay for Performance – Designed for large buildings, Pay for Performance offers a comprehensive, whole-building approach with incentives that are directly linked to energy savings. Program partners provide technical services, Energy Reduction Plans, financial plans for funding the project and a construction schedule for implementation.Interested in becoming a Pay for Performance contractor?
Participants select from a list of pre-qualified firms who analyze facilities and prepare detailed energy audit reports with a list of cost-justified energy efficiency measures. The cost of the audit is 100% subsidized. Local Government Energy Audits are available for municipalities, counties, state colleges and universities, and 501 (c)(3) non-profit agencies. The approved energy auditing firms have been named by the Department of Treasury.
Direct Install – Created specifically for existing small to medium-sized facilities, Direct Install pays up to 70% of the project cost for replacing lighting, HVAC and other outdated operational equipment with energy efficiency alternatives. Interested in becoming a Direct Install participating contractor?
Financial incentives are available for Combined Heat & Power (CHP) and fuel cell systems. Most CHP systems include a natural gas-fueled combined cycle combustion turbine to produce both steam and electricity from a single fuel source located on-site. These highly efficient technologies recover the heat that would otherwise be wasted during the generation of electricity and make use of that heat for commercial or industrial processes. This thermal energy may be used for direct heating, as a source for producing hot water or steam, or even for space conditioning and dehumidification.